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When visiting one of our beautiful sites you can support us by adopting the simple rules of the Countryside Code:

Respect other people:

  • consider the local community and other people enjoying the outdoors
  • leave gates and property as you find them and follow paths unless wider access is available

Protect the natural environment:

  • leave no trace of your visit and take your litter home
  • keep dogs on under effective control and on leads around livestock

Enjoy the outdoors:

  • plan ahead and be prepared
  • follow advice and local signs

We all have a responsibility to protect the countryside now and for future generations, so make sure you don’t harm animals, birds, plants or trees and try to leave no trace of your visit. When out with your dog make sure it is not a danger or nuisance to farm animals, horses, wildlife or other people. [source: www.gov.uk Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs Natural England]

thank you!